The question of how to get a trident in minecraft is a common one among many players of this world-famous survival game. The most efficient way to acquire a trident in this game is through killing other Drowned or non-Drowned mobs. However, even then the chances of a non-Drowned dropping a trident is pretty slim – especially when you’re replaying on Java Edition. So this article will provide you with useful tips on how to get a trident in minecraft relatively fast. You can get the trident fairly early on, so you won’t have to wait too long to equip your first weapon. Here’s how it’s done.

First of all, I want to talk about where you need to go to farm these items – They are more common in areas that are heavily populated, but you can find some easy farm locations just north of the spawn zone for the Drowned. The ideal spot for farming these two types of mob is the area between their south-western and west-facing corners. Here you will find several riptides that can be looted for their rare items. I’d recommend farming in a group, since one guy can’t carry all the loot back to the rest.

Now, we’ll talk about how to get a trident in minecraft using your own strategy – The first thing you should do is always to pick up as many items as you can from any mobs you come across, even ones that aren’t friendly. If you’re surrounded by hostile mobs, they have a 50% chance to drop a trident. On the other hand, if a mob stays around, it has a high chance to drop a trident, or one of its components. This makes farming for these rare items much easier.

The best thing to do is combine a few of these items into a trident bundle – The blueprint for this is located inside the Nucleus Mine, which can be found by killing any husk near the cave entrance. With the bundled items in your inventory, simply use them to grab the component you need from the husk and bring it to Nucleus Mine to earn your first trident.

Keep in mind that you should keep an eye out for mobs – that are going to attack you while you’re trying to get the trident. You don’t want to lose your concentration while trying to kill a mob and end up getting the item dropped on you. This can happen to you more than you’d care to admit, and that’s why I strongly suggest that you get a macro set up for when you’re fighting a mob. The nice thing about using a macro is that it will ensure that you get rid of the item as fast as possible and won’t cause you to worry about losing focus when you’re fighting.

When it comes down to how to get a trident in minecraft – there are a variety of different paths you can take to make the most of your finds. There are several guides that have detailed walkthroughs for different levels of finding the tridents, and I would highly recommend that you look into those. They will also help you get rid of the most rare and powerful items in the game. If you have enough gold, you can even try to sell the parts of a trident in order to make even more money!

There are numerous ways to make money in MineCraft, so you never have to worry about how to get a trident in the first place.